Whats This For – MiniSAP Plus (+) Utility

MiniSAP Plus (+) Utility

For SAP Enthusiasts learning about MiniSAP Developer Edition technologies on your personal computer.

The MiniSAP Plus (+) Utility is a collection of quick-start scripts that improve the System Administrators experience.

Built for OpenSUSE 15.1 (Leap) Linux operating system and the Gnome desktop.

Should work in any Linux OS using the ‘Desktop Entries’ specification that can execute Bash scripts; however, only Gnome in OpenSUSE 15.1 (Leap) is officially tested.

Works with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.52 SP04 on SAP Sybase ASE database (2019-06).

Works with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.51 SP02 on SAP Sybase ASE database (2017-08).

Works with SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.50 SP02 on SAP Sybase ASE database (2016-07).

Disclaimer: The ‘MiniSAP Plus (+)’ application capability is for MiniSAP Developer Edition installations only. Never use it in a production system because the NPLADM/HXEADM users password is stored in a plain text file. This is intentionally insecure, prioritising convenience over security, for a ‘Developer Only’ installation in a virtual machine on your personal laptop.

To be clear, this is not an Enterprise-grade solution.
Do not use it in any commercial organisation environments.